Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reid Speak

Reid: (after reading two bedtime stories)  Mama, let's snuggle.
Julie: Okay, but only for a couple minutes.
R: (wraps arms around my neck, gazes into my eyes)  Mama, you're my big girl.


Julie:  What's your baby brother's name?
Reid: Ohmygosh Conley.  No, Hilarious Conley.


Julie:  (at the sitter's house)  Reid.  Reid!  REID!
Reid: (running around, clearly ignoring)
J: One... Two...
R: Mama, I don't like you right now.  I don't like you or want you, but I still love you.


Julie:  If you want a cupcake, you have to finish all of your dinner.  Including those carrots and the red pepper.
Reid:  Totally.
R:  (rolls eyes)


Julie:  What's your baby brother's name?
Reid: Conley Conley
R: Hot Dog Conley
R: Pancake Conley

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