Saturday, December 3, 2011

17 weeks, 4 days

I felt movement (I think)!  Holly and I were driving home and I felt a very tiny tap-tap-tap southwest of my belly button.  So cool!

Yesterday I also got a pair of jeans (that fit) in the mail, as well as a dark purple dressy-ish, silk-ish dress from Gap.  Adam's company Christmas party is tonight, so if I can find black tights today I'll try it out.  When I took the dress out of the bag, I was like, "Ohmygosh, this is HUGE.  There is no way it will fit!"  Guess what?  It fit.  Across my porn-star chest it was snug, and in the body it has room to grow (but fits).

This isn't me... but it is the dress.  ;)

I am having a harder and harder time finding variety in my wardrobe.  I have clothes that fit, but it's the same thing day after day.  I'm hoping that a little trip to the mall for a few more tops will solve the problem.

Tomorrow I turn 30.  That is all.

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