Tuesday, July 8, 2014

7.2.2014 - dadablog

It's that time of year again... the grand lead-up to Independence Day and WHAM!, summer's over. (Well, that's how I used to feel as a kid). Any more, seems that summer drags into week six of the football season.

Am I the only one that prefers fall/winter fashion over the scantily clad ways of the summer? I love the first time I put on a pair of jeans after months of exposed legs. The first trip to a Friday night football game in a sweatshirt? Working in the yard with a durable long-sleeved shirt?

Lots to get done over the coming weeks. Family travel, garage sale (Thursday 7.10-Saturday 7.12), concerts, playgrounds, swimming pools, baseball games, etc.

North Park Amphitheater
Speaking of concerts, both Springboro and Centerville host an excellent array of FREE shows at North Park (Springboro) and Stubbs Park (Centerville) and they fall on different nights. We attended the 7/1 122nd US Army Band with one of the Smith families we run around with (and some Jimmy John's takeout). Made it through a good forty minutes of the set and skies threatened.

Julie and I (tried) to whisk everything back to the car, but I happened upon a man with a golden retriever service dog in training and we chatted for ten minutes. I'll spare the details unless you're really interested! (A great program, BTW)

It was a good thing we left, as we made it home just in time to let Lucy out for a quick bathroom break and it cut loose. Lightning like I haven't seen in awhile. I was in service at midnight and was spared any late night shenanigans, but our evening crew at WTFD had 50+ calls for service between the hours of 8p-12a. Phew.

Public service reminder: WTFD's 66th annual Ice Cream Social will be held at Station 44 (Centerville Business Park & Clyo) on Sunday August 10, 11a-6p. All proceeds benefit the Washington Township Firefighters Association and are put to great use - GPS units, portable radios, PPE, etc. Come out for some great food and desserts, awesome demonstrations, and plenty of kid-friendly activities.

Already starting the countdown for the BLHS Class of '99's 15th reunion this autumn. Can't wait to see a ton of great people... and maybe some gray hairs? I'm lucky to this point, but each visit to the barber, I'm noticing more and more of those little silver things on my lap.

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