Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Quest for Fun

I'm counting days to vacation... 36 full days/23 working days.
I've always been a helpless daydreamer when it comes to family vacations. When I reached the "I want to start a family" phase of my life, number one on my list was keeping or starting traditions that would carry on for generations.

The stubborn teen and twenty-something in me never much cared for repeat destinations. I have a limited amount of time on this earth, so why would I want to keep re-visiting the same place?

That changed a smidgen last year when we took Reid to the beach. We will be returning to the same spot (within five miles) this year for no other reason than... we liked it.

There are perks to familiarity. I work with a gentleman that has visited Amelia Island (FL) year after year (42 years to be exact) with his brood. If you catch Bob on the right day, he'll go on forever about the itineraries of his daily affairs at the beach.

At our resort last year, I came across a family from the Canton (OH) area and I studied their fun. Even on vacation, I do like waking early and staying up as late as humanly possible. These guys came down to the beach, twenty or more of their clan in-tow. Each morning, I'd wake as the sun peeked through the clouds, go start coffee and take a walk out to the balcony, to look down at them setting up their tent(s).

After they had everything in place, a couple of them would go fish off the pier, some stayed back and nursed their coffees and read the paper under the tent, walking out occasionally to wet their feet.

Afternoons were spent preparing sandwiches, tossing the football, playing a beach game of the day, and having a few cold ones.

As sunset approached, the same gents huddled up under the tent and moved their coolers in for foot props or makeshift tables and card games lasted well past midnight.

Never once did I beat them to wake up, nor did I stay up past their bedtimes. I aim to change that this year.

We'll be staying in North Myrtle Beach this year. If anyone has recommendations for local establishments to visit, please toss a few my way. This includes the journey down and the trek back. After all, that's the best part!

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