Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pinning Things

I woke up at 4:14am today.  FOUR FOURTEEN.  I tossed and turned and finally called it at 4:55. Here I sit, drinking coffee, my eyes blurry (because I REALLY AM TIRED!), and mindlessly cruise the interwebs.

And I Pinterest.  That's a verb now, right?

What kinds of things peak my interest these days?  I'll share a few that aren't locked up in my secret boards.  Yes, I have secret boards, because honestly... we all have things we want to remember, but don't want other people to know.  Or steal pin and use for their own ideas later.

Funny quote to teach about reasonableness of sources.  :)
Funny, because I bet most of my students wouldn't get the hilarity of this "quote."

Marcia Moran Drusy Extravaganza Stud Earrings available at #Nordstrom Gold/RoseThis is excatly what I want, a double piercing  that little part of my ear pierced! Its soooo adorable! I love it!Earrings I love! double color earrings fashion jewelry 2013 summer fashion earrings cute jewelry 2013 #earrings #fashion #jewelryLove Knot Stud Earrings | A tiny reminder of all the twists and turns taken on the rolle... | Earrings
Lawd, do I lurrrrrrve a pretty stud earring.  I recently repierced my second(earlobe) hole, and I'm digging the oversized double stud look.

Cauliflower Rice: “When you bring this ‘rice’ to the table people often have no idea that it’s cauliflower. Serve this in place of normal rice mashed potatoes or pasta. 100g of cauliflower rice is only 24 calories compared to 100g of rice at 355 calories!.
Haha.  Hahahahahahaa.  Funny story.  I bought cauliflower to try this exact pin.  It seemed easy enough.  And I figured, if it was good, it would be an easy way to eat a veg.  Maybe Reid would even eat it (he's not a huge fan of veggies).  I even bought PURPLE cauliflower.  

And it was gross.

Adam and I choked down half the bowl, just to pretend like it wasn't bad.  It smelled like dirty feet (or like cooked cauliflower, so same thing) and it wasn't rice-like in the least.  Reid didn't like it either.  A classic Pinterest fail.  

Time to jazz up the yearbook room - 36 Clever DIY Ways To Decorate Your Classroomso many great classroom set up ideas!
I love setting up my classroom in August.  I cannot begin to plan anything academic until my room is picture perfect.  For the last two years, I have been limited in my time to set up my classroom, so it's been a little less decorated.  It's still picture perfect, but it's not AS cutesy as it could be.  This year I've [yes, already] begun to jot down ideas for decorating my classroom.  I'd like to spruce up a few things, change a couple old favorites, and give my classroom a bit of a facelift.  It's June, so come August, I may scrap all that and go with the usual set up.  

Pink feather sandal!!! NEEDTory Burch Hook Wrap Bracelet❥Threadbare Bracelet Black

 BurberryMichael Kors Chain LInk Tortoise Watch  $195

I want them all.  Please, gift buyers, take note.  And my "fashion likeys" board is not private, FYI.  ;)

Do you Pinterest?  What have you been pinning lately?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Quick and Personal Update

As I've mentioned in previous posts, we have been trying for baby #2 for a while now.  I was under the (clearly false) assumption that since my body had been pregnant once before, it would happen more quickly (and easily) the second time around.


We headed back to our Reproductive Endo at the beginning of this month, and luckily he was on board to start with what worked for us last time.  No months and months of fertility drugs, testing and trying out different concoctions and amounts.  We started off, on the day of our consultation, beginning meds, blood work, an SHG (similar to the HSG I had a couple years ago) and planning an IUI for the next week.

I'm now in the last days of the two week wait.  The horrible, crazy-making, roller-coaster TWW.  I'm 11 days past IUI and so far, nothing to be seen on a pregnancy test.  So basically, unless a miracle happens (like a late implantation), we'll be looking at starting over in the next cycle.

Boo.  Hiss.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Quest for Fun

I'm counting days to vacation... 36 full days/23 working days.
I've always been a helpless daydreamer when it comes to family vacations. When I reached the "I want to start a family" phase of my life, number one on my list was keeping or starting traditions that would carry on for generations.

The stubborn teen and twenty-something in me never much cared for repeat destinations. I have a limited amount of time on this earth, so why would I want to keep re-visiting the same place?

That changed a smidgen last year when we took Reid to the beach. We will be returning to the same spot (within five miles) this year for no other reason than... we liked it.

There are perks to familiarity. I work with a gentleman that has visited Amelia Island (FL) year after year (42 years to be exact) with his brood. If you catch Bob on the right day, he'll go on forever about the itineraries of his daily affairs at the beach.

At our resort last year, I came across a family from the Canton (OH) area and I studied their fun. Even on vacation, I do like waking early and staying up as late as humanly possible. These guys came down to the beach, twenty or more of their clan in-tow. Each morning, I'd wake as the sun peeked through the clouds, go start coffee and take a walk out to the balcony, to look down at them setting up their tent(s).

After they had everything in place, a couple of them would go fish off the pier, some stayed back and nursed their coffees and read the paper under the tent, walking out occasionally to wet their feet.

Afternoons were spent preparing sandwiches, tossing the football, playing a beach game of the day, and having a few cold ones.

As sunset approached, the same gents huddled up under the tent and moved their coolers in for foot props or makeshift tables and card games lasted well past midnight.

Never once did I beat them to wake up, nor did I stay up past their bedtimes. I aim to change that this year.

We'll be staying in North Myrtle Beach this year. If anyone has recommendations for local establishments to visit, please toss a few my way. This includes the journey down and the trek back. After all, that's the best part!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


We are a swimming family.  I'd like to think it stems from all those years on the Willow swim team, then counting swedish fish for the quarter bags in the concession stand, then lifeguarding.  Or something.

Reid showed no fear of water last summer.  He liked getting into the pool and he darn near swam out to sea on our vacation to Myrtle Beach.  Every day, multiple times.  It was cute and he wasn't really walking, so it was easy-ish to keep an eye on him.

MB last summer.

Fast forward to this summer.  We wondered if the 12 months of growing and learning and a teeeeeensy bit more logic would have him afraid of the water.  I mean, I had heard that some toddlers did that.  Luckily, this tot is a water lover,  BIG TIME.  Today we bought swimmies (against all things I was told as a lifeguard about their actual safety).  A neighbor let Reid try on her bright pink swimmies over the weekend and he was SO independent in them.  Adam and I don't mind holding Reid in the pool, but since there isn't an actual baby pool. it really limits what we can all do.  Today I picked up a pair of Puddle Jumpers from Target before heading to Grammy's pool (where there were ZERO people!).  Reid was a rockstar.  Maybe I'm just impressed because he's still so tiny and young in my eyes, but he was legit swimming by our after dinner swim.  This video shows a little (IG length) snippet:

Swimmin' and jumpin'.

I have the feeling that we will be spending a LOT of time at the pool this summer... and that's fine by me!  We're headed back to MB next month too.  Yay.  :)

Jumping to daddy.

First time in his new swimmies.

Drying off with a snack.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So What Wednesday

I've seen other bloggers do So What Wednesdays... and I've got nothing mind-blowingly awesome to post about, soooo...

So What...
...if I am having a lazy, Starbucks-y, social media-filled day.
...if I'm having this unmotivated day in workout clothes.  Hello hypocrite.  :)
...if I can inhale half a [regular sized] watermelon BY MYSELF.
...if I'm eating one right this minute... in a large mixing bowl... with salt sprinkled on top.
...if I love shows like Orange is the New Black and Dexter.  They are gruesome and vulgar.  And I love them.
...if I stalk the local real estate for my dream home alllll the time.  (I haven't found it yet.)
...if I know nothing about gardening.  Nothing.
...if I don't play "kids" music in the car.  No thanks.
...if I think I'm changing my "style" in home decor.  Our neighborhood garage sale next month is going to be a good way to purge a lot of clutter.
...if I still have an iPhone 4.  [but I would TOTALLY appreciate an upgrade, hint hint]
...if I take too many pictures on said iPhone.  Isn't that what it's for?
...if I want to stop writing this post so I can go back to reading Allegiant?  goodbye...

What is your biggest So What?

Sunday, June 1, 2014


You should know what TTC means (and if you don't, just google it.).

I'm also TTLW.  I made it up.  It means Trying To Lose Weight.

I'm hoping two things.  1.) That I lose weight, and also gain a baby bump.  OR 2.) That I lose weight.  I obviously want #1 a WHOLE LOT MORE.

I am approaching an all time high in weight.  It's annoying.  I have never been tiny or petite, but I was athletic in my youth.  I was ALWAYS on some kind of team (swam on a swim team for ten years back in the pool rat days) and attended sports camps all summer.  I was the kid with tan lines and events tattooed to my palm. Now that I'm 32 (right?  I can't really keep track anymore) I just want to sit and eat do nothing in the three spare seconds of my day.

And because all good diets life plans summer goals start on June 1st, today I logged my semi-healthy start on MyfitnessPal.  If you want to follow me, my name is julieeconley.  Original, right?  I'd LOVE to lose 20 pounds before school starts back up.  I'd also like to be pregnant.  Fingers crossed for both???