Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas recap

Last year Christmas was neat.  We had a new little guy (about 7.5 months old)... but truth be told, he was still kind of a blob then.  I mean, he didn't unwrap presents.  He didn't even really get presents.  He got a couple things, and the grandparents got him gifts... but THIS year compared to LAST year?  THIS year was So. Much. Better.

We started a tradition on December 1st...and throughout the month leading to Christmas, Reid opened a new (or old, mostly) Christmas book to read before bed.  Most were books from Adam's or my childhood.  Only a couple were bought new.  They varied from board books to higher-level picture books.  Many of them didn't interest Reid and we made up toddler friendly Christmasy tales.  One day he will like the longer stories, right?

Christmas morning was so fun this year too.  Since Reid had so much practice opening a book each night, he was more than trained ready to open presents from Santa.  He really had fun tearing off paper and putting the paper into the trash bag.  He's a good little helper boy.  We went with the simple approach with presents: 
something he wants
something he needs
something he wears
something he reads

This year he received an Emergency vehicle that lights up with sirens (LOVES this) and a couple wooden puzzles, a potty (it's still in the closet... not quite ready) and an Ugly Sofa chair, a small wardrobe update in the next size, and 4 new books (in addition to the TWENTY-FIVE Christmas books, lol).  Reid also had a stocking with a couple Little People, a new toothbrush and toothpaste, and a couple other small things.  Of course he has a billion other toys and books coming at him from family members too... he will not be bored anytime soon.

After presents we had Reindeer pancakes (called "cakes" by the tot).  Adam did a fantastic job and will have to make them again next year.  Or next weekend.  ;)  
I made mimosas. 

My mom has joined us for the last several Christmas mornings.  Usually she spends the night, but now that she lives just a couple miles down the road, she can sleep in her own bed and come over early.  

Of the 8 Christmases I've spent with Adam, this was the best yet.  Only 364 days til the next one!

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