Monday, August 27, 2012

Almost 4 Months

I haven't been doing a very good job of blogging regularly.  And here I thought I'd have all this time what with not going back to school and all.  Yet the sewing machine sits in the basement, Pinterest recipes are just neat ideas, and I still spend a lot of days in pajamas.  I don't know how those mommas with more than one kid get it done.  "It" being life in general.

So what's new?  Let's see...
  • We took the car seat attachments off both strollers.  This means Reid can sit in the strollers like a big boy.  It means that we can (more easily) go on walks... or go shopping. :)  Reid and I have been going to the Greene a few times a week to walk, shop, and watch kids play in the fountain.
  • Reid's been hitting milestones.  He has rolled from belly to back and from back to belly (though he doesn't do it regularly or with a smile on his face).  He has laughed a few times.  I LOVE his laugh.  He's gripping everything:  his toys, his paci, his mommy's hair...  Oh!  And he's teething.  Teething!!  I took him to the pediatrician because I thought he had an ear infection.  Nope, he's teething.  (duh.)
  • I entered Reid in the Gerber Baby Contest via Facebook.  I'm a little embarassed at how cliche it is for me to enter him... But he's a perfect Gerber baby, so I had to.  It would be wrong to keep him out of a contest he was clearly created to win.  (Voting starts in September--be sure to vote for him!)
Reid's Gerber Baby Photo

With one week of school over and a new one begun, it means I am less than 8 weeks away from returning to teaching.  We have a sitter, and although it's going to cost us close to a mortgage payment, I'm really happy we met and contracted with her.  I think it's going to be a great match.

I'll try to get Adam on here soon to post...

 Reid & Slee (french kissing)
Reid & Me (at the Greene)
 Reid & Daddy (playing Superman in matching t-shirts)
My big boy in sitting up in his stroller (another day at the Greene)

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