Friday, April 27, 2012

38 weeks, 3 days

Today is my last day of (school) work until October 22nd.  Wow!  I'm going to miss my 6th grade dream team.

I didn't get a chance earlier to post my 38 week pictures, so here is a little montage:

Yesterday Adam and I went in for our last check up before baby.  I was checked internally to see if I was dilated.  I was not expecting it to be any different than an annual exam kind of check.  Whoa buddy, I was totally wrong.  I won't get too graphic... but it was definitely much more... intense.

And disappointing.  After the OB finished spelunking in the baby cave, she proclaimed I was exactly ZERO centimeters dilated.  Nothing.  Zilch.  Nada.  Unless something happened between then and Monday night, I would be starting from scratch, which would probably mean a loooong labor.  Her words, I believe, were, "be prepared to spend a few more days than planned at the hospital.  Your labor could be 48 hours."  Awesome, right?  

So the plan is this:  Go in Monday night at 8pm.  After I get settled in they will apply a gel (dad said some kind of algae??) that will ripen my cervix.  Tuesday morning, around 5am, I will start Pitocin, with labor starting soon after.  The OB said that if I go through a day of Pitocin without enough progress, they will either start over with gels and Pitocin AGAIN or go to c-section.  I'm praying for a little natural progress this weekend (I did around 2 hours of exercise ball bouncing last night) so that we don't have this super long labor.  I guess we'll just have to see though...Perhaps if you're the praying type you could send a little prayer out my way for a speedy, safe, and healthy delivery in the next few days.  :)

By this time next week I hope to be cuddling my baby boy.  Maybe I'll even post a picture for you all.  :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

37 weeks, 5 days

We are finally (almost) finished with the nursery!  All that's missing are a few little details and...well, a baby.  :)

Also, the pictures were taken with my iPhone, so they aren't super great... lighting isn't working for me.  But you can get the general idea...

"Baby" made by Ashlie.

Doesn't my Boppy look like a "C" for Conley?

I love this amazeballs chair.   

Lucy is looking for the perfect spot to hang with her little brother.

View from the chair.

Another view from the chair.

Some of my newborn diapers.

Some diaper accessories.

As I said, there are still a few little details to add, but for the most part this room is ready to go.  I can't wait to spend some (okay, a lot) of time in here with our little man!  8 days until induction!!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

37 weeks, 4 days

Letters from Pa (Part IX)

Saturday April 21, 2012

Dear __________,

You have to love the element of surprise! Keeping your identity secret is one of the most impressive things I've done in my life. I've never been one to keep secrets and we've been keeping you secret since Christmas. That's right, we picked your name on Christmas morning, cool little slice of trivia, eh?

Today has been a productive day. Well, the past month has been a productive month, to be honest. Your mom and I have been able to hang out a bit, take some longish weekend drives, get things in order, and stay busy enough to keep our mind off of how our world is about to blown to pieces (in a good way).

I'm on call all day today through tomorrow morning, so I'm getting to watch a lot of TV, finish up tasks/chores, and relax a bit. Last night, I got a pizza for the family. I mowed the yard before the rain came. I put out a fire in a back yard. I cleaned the inside of my car and washed the windows just in time for it to rain.

I'm off now to finish cleaning the kitchen and then downward to the basement. The delivery people came today with your glider... as soon as I get the shelves hung, your room is complete!

I have to get going. Kick some more for mom, it keeps her sane!


Friday, April 20, 2012

37 weeks, 3 days

Letters from Pa (Part VIII)

April 20, 2012

Dude (get it, bro?),

So, upon seeing your face on Tuesday, I can't tell who you look like, but I do know that you're not a wooly mammoth (unless tusks develop out of the womb). As your mother has kindly mentioned on here, you're not going to have a 5/8/2012 birthday. May Day it is! I learned that you will share (provided you don't arrive early) a birthday with Tim McGraw and Dann Florek (Captain Kragen from SVU). Isn't that kind of lame? I mean, May 1 seems like a pretty cool birthday and the second-best famous person born on your birthday is a C-minus list actor on a watered down drama.

Since learning that slice of information mid-day yesterday, I've come to decide that you definitely have great things in store for you!

The years that lead up to making a baby, you'll always wonder... 'What will they look like?', 'Will they have my personality?', 'Will they laugh at my jokes?', 'What will they be when they grow up?', 'Will he pee on me?', 'Will they lie to me in seventeen years when I find 850 extra miles on the odometer one weekend?'.

Where I'm getting is, you never think negatively about your future when it comes to kids. It's true! Yes, there have been times in my life that I've speculated about my own demise, this happens once you become an adult... you go from all the hopes and dreams of your childhood and reality sets in. Then you hope you don't become some destitute nomad wandering the streets in a seedy neighborhood in West Philadelphia, panhandling and eating cold dinners at the rear of a two-star Italian restaurant. (Not that I ever saw myself doing that... you know, in general).

The memories of my childhood through teen years are still vivid in my mind. Not a day goes by that I'm not in awe of how quickly time has passed. I remember your great-grandparents when they were your grandparents age. I remember your grandparents when they were new to the game, much like Mom & I. Just yesterday, I recalled the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing and the Branch Davidian incident, being seventeen and nineteen years ago, respectively, and I can still tell you exactly what I was doing on both of those serene spring days. Those years are lifetimes for some people!

Around the time of those incidents, I spent countless hours honing my jump shot in the driveway after school. I envisioned myself as a 6'8" swingman one day, earning a scholarship to UNC (the Buckeyes weren't too good in those days), and ultimately arriving in the NBA, sporting the #44 for my beloved Boston Celtics (who were also a joke at the time). Yes, at one time, my dreams saw me reach the pinnacle. The lottery jackpot for a storied basketball franchise. I could ramble off my stats and awards (Rookie of the Year, Finals MVP, 3-point shooting champ at the All-Star game, Humanitarian awards, etc.).

I held on to this dream much longer than I should have. In my eighth grade recognition ceremony, I subtly mentioned that I would be an FBI agent (along with nine other students at BLMS), just so I didn't appear to be a dreamer in front of hundreds of parents and peers. (I never seriously considered a career in the FBI).

Around the time I reached high school, I came to terms that the odds of the storied basketball recruit would go by the wayside, but still held out hope that I could become a walk-on at a mid-level school... maybe a BG, OU, or heck, Ball State?! I learned through these formative years that I was much better at golf, and POOF!, I was now morphing the dream into being a PGA professional.

Sparing you the details of that dream, let's just say, the first time you and I hit the links, you'll see why I never cut it as a serious contender on the Tour. I have come to learn on my nearly 1/3 of a century on this earth, that these hopes, these dreams, as silly and far-out as they seem... they're what keep us going.

You're now my hope and my dream. I don't know what that entails. I would love to see you excel at everything you do. It would be so cool to fly in your own plane. Or walk through a state-of-the-art building you designed. Or watch your first big league at-bat. Or hear you play a piano in front of your first big-time audience.

These past 37 weeks have made me realize that no matter what, when I hear that first cry... I'll get to fulfill a lifelong dream (and I'll probably cry too).


Thursday, April 19, 2012

37 weeks, 2 days

So we have a bit of exciting news here in the Conley household:

Baby will be here NO LATER then May 1st.


We had our weekly checkup on Tuesday at exactly 37 weeks. At the previous appointment baby measured big, so the OB scheduled an ultrasound for this last appointment. Adam and I were both excited as anytime we get to see our son on tv is pretty amazing. We were not disappointed, and although the image was hard to see (because he's big and space is limited now), we could clearly see chubby cheeks and pouty lips--so cute!

And then the ultrasound tech gave us a weight estimate.

At 37 weeks, the tech was guessing 8 pounds. EIGHT POUNDS. As if that wasn't shocking enough, she followed the comment with, "plus or minus a pound.". Oh, so he could actually be more like NINE pounds.


About a half hour later we met with the OB, who walked in holding the ultrasound pictures and an I-feel-bad-for-you look. I guess she noticed my obvious panic over possibly birthing a 15 pounder, because she suggested that we induce at 39 weeks.


So now we have our last appointment, where I'll be checked to see if anything is happening naturally. Then on April 30th we'll head to the hospital in the evening with the actual induction early the next morning on May 1st. Yeah!

On the same day I told my students that I'd be leaving them a week earlier than expected. They didn't really respond, they just sort of looked around. I found out later that they've been planning a huge surprise shower for me, which was supposed to occur the week of April 30th sometime. From what I understand, this has been in the works for weeks, parents are involved, food is being made, decorations... A huge ordeal. In the end they told me about it and Adam and I will be making a special trip in on Monday (April 30th... Same day we will go to the hospital) for a student-thrown shower. How stinking cute is that? They made a comic on our class blog to announce the surprise... So sweet!

And now for the super big baby bump picture. This was taken on 37 weeks, 0 days.

Monday, April 16, 2012

36 weeks, 6 days

I've been pretty comfortable through this pregnancy.  Sure, I've had heartburn, headaches, and obnoxious leg-ankle-foot swelling... but really not major complaints compared to what some go through.

Sometimes I feel like my life, in general, is just like this.  I mean, there have been hiccups of time where things seem pretty bad.  But overall, I've had a pretty good life.  Especially right now... and I'll be honest, I'm a little afraid to say this out loud (out typed?  typed out?  meh)... but I've sort of got the white picket fence thing going on.  I have a good job, my own house, a stellar husband, and a dog.  A frigging golden retriever at that!

... and the teeny pessimist in me is just waiting for the logic of reality to vomit all over me.

So maybe I'm asking a lot, but say a little prayer that my white picket fence doesn't fall over.  Please?  I'm closer than ever to our nugget-baby's birthday and I desperately want everything to go well.  Pain-yes, I'll take it.  I'm positive I can handle it, maybe even appreciate it, with the fantastic prize I'll get at the end.  Then I can really say I have it all.

PS- THIRTY-SEVEN weeks tomorrow, full term, and getting an ultrasound.  Hip hip hooray!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

36 weeks, 4 days

This picture is really from a couple days ago, (36w, 1d I think).

People are asking if I feel ready.


Have I mentioned how much I love my husbie?  Not only does he scrub off the thick layer of black grime that accumulates on the bottom of my feet after a day in flip flops, but he then rubs my feet down with CJ's BUTTer every single night.  He is a saint.  I love him.

I took some pictures of Goose today too.  Poor thing really doesn't know how much her world is about to be rocked.  Isn't she cute?

That is all.  I'll probably post again tomorrow after we go down to Park & Vine for a cloth diaper workshop. Squeeee!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

35 weeks, 2 days

I didn't post a picture at 34 weeks, so here is 35 weeks, 2 days pic.  33 days until my due date... 4ish weeks... omg.

Since it's spring break, I've been busy getting ready for baby.  Yesterday Adam and I met with a photographer here in Springboro.  We're really excited about taking our little nugget for newborn pictures.  Check out our photographer's website:

I also organized the nursery closet and prepped all my cloth diapers.  In all, it took me a full day plus the next morning to do all the wash and organizing.  Here is a picture of (part of) the end result:

We also got our car seat... and I realized our diaper bag matches is perfectly.  I didn't do that on purpose, but I'm pretty happy about the coincidence. :)

Now I just need to officially pack my bags, clean/pack up my classroom, and wait for the dresser/ chair/ shelves to arrive... then I can have this baby.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thirty-four weeks, six days

Letters from Pa (Part VII)

Monday April 2, 2012

Dear (name we're still not sharing),

You have been quite the little booger lately. I will say more cooperative than in the past, but every time your Mom beckons me over, you stop your wiggling! The past couple times have been neat, although I can't tell if I'm touching your head or your posterior. To be honest, putting pressure on her belly freaks me out. I don't want to hurt you.

This week is spring break for your mother (translation: I need to monitor on-line banking like a nuclear reactor on the brink of meltdown) and I hope she gets everything accomplished that she sets out to do. Funny how our 'down time' now revolves around you as well. Wednesday night, we will be doing a photo consultation for some of your newborn pictures and then Thursday night, I get to learn the in's and out's of breastfeeding. Sorry to let you down, but that's going to be Mom's department.

This is also my spring break week too from my class. Unfortunately, I booked everything I haven't been able to get done since January into a five day sliver of time and I'm hoping to at least get 70% of the work done.

Your room is shaping up rather nicely. Still waiting on the odds and ends, but you can live in it. I bought you some 2012 Topps baseball cards last week. I need to put them in a box so you can bend them up about this time 2017. Wasn't a great bunch of cards to be honest... there was a Jeter, Johnny Cueto & Mike Leake (current Reds) and an assortment of mid-level dudes.

Your shower that I got to attend last Sunday was really cool. Had a lot of your family members there and, unfortunately, we opened all your stuff. We have a ton of books we get to knock out over the summer!!

Mom and I took a little day trip down to Cincinnati yesterday and one of the stores we were in featured kid-friendly things to do around the area and in the states that surround us. I had such a good time picturing where (and where we won't) go.

I hope you enjoy amusement parks... we live just up the road from a good one. I think this summer, we'll stick to exploring the neighborhood, but next year at this time we're going to zoo it up, museum it up, riverboat cruise it up, etc.

In the waning weeks you have left in utero, I ask one simple favor: please ease up on Mom's bladder. It increases our water bill every time she flushes. If it continues, I'm holding allowance for awhile.


34 weeks, 6 days (36 days to go!!)

I am in the middle of cleaning house on this gorgeous day, but thought I'd stick a few pictures up for your viewing pleasure.  Happy Monday!

The lamp that will go on the dresser.

Updated crib... BABY letters will go on one of the shelves once they're on the walls.

Lucy in front of the crib, practicing her guard dog-ness.  See the lamp in back?  That's temporary (I hate that lamp).

All our teeniest clothes and hats.  As soon as the current load is finished, it's wash time.  Am I supposed to separate them into different piles (darks, whites, etc.)?  I better read the labels...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

34 weeks, 5 days


Nursery Bedding Set: Patrick Crib Fitted Sheet, Toddler Quilt & Crib Skirt
Grass Countertop Drying Rack
Little Tots Grey Owl CoverallThis weekend has been full of buying for the baby.  I would say it's stressful, but that's not entirely true.  It's been kind of fun and exciting.  I love shopping, and even though we are dropping loads of cash left and right, it means he's coming soon.  Some of what we got... a 6-drawer dresser, the car seat, a crib skirt and bumper (that match the rest of the bedding... SO cute!), a lamp (still want a floor lamp too), and a whole bag of Gap goodies.  Oh, and my mom picked up some Carter's sleepsacks and a super soft bunny.  Then today Adam and I went out to Park & Vine, a tree-hugger shop in Over the Rhine, and we got the softest, fluffiest, butter-yellow fitted diaper.  I would wear it if I could.  We also got some storage bins, a bumbo, a drying rack that looks like grass, and owlie pjs.  Did I mention we ordered my nursery dream chair?  It's delicious (but not this fabric).
PB Kids Comfort Grand Swivel Glider & Ottoman

We're blowing up online orders too, with some decorations for the room (an eBay score by Adam), custom made clothes on etsy, and yummy-smelling wipe solution off a baby boutique site.  I'm also having two different old-ish looking shelves made by a shop in Waynesville.  I can't wait to have the nursery finished so I can post some pictures here.


This week I'm on spring break.  I've got big plans, many of them revolving around the little nugget in my belly.  Tonight I am making a list of what to pack for the hospital for baby, myself, and even Adam.  I'm also making a list of what to have ready for postpartum at home.  I've heard of witch hazel soaked pads frozen in the freezer.  Anyone done this??  I clearly have little knowledge to go on, so anybody with experience... send me your best hospital packing tips AND postpartum care needs.  I need to wash all the teeniest clothes and start prepping diapers.  I'm pretty nervous about prepping the diapers, but I've got a pretty strong online support system... so we'll see.

And at some point I have to pack up my classroom.  I don't want to talk about school though--it's been too stressful there lately.

But seriously, if you're reading this (even if you are a total stranger), give me your best advice for hospital packing and postpartum care.  Give it to me straight!  :)