Is the number of weeks pregnant I am today. What?! I feel it in my bones that I'll go post dates, buttttt I know there is always the chance that I'll go early, which means really anytime between now and the middle of July is baby #2's birthday. And me? I can officially join the circus thanks to my elephant cankles. The same miserable swelling plagued me 3 years ago (and worse last time, if I'm being honest)... but man, oh man... it's hard with a toddler. All I want to do is crash after work, but dinner, soccer, bathtime, bedtime... woof! I am getting a prenatal massage the first week in June and I CANNOT WAIT.
This is about a week ago... dirty shirt, yes. Extra large belly, yes. CANKLES LIKE WHOA? YES!
Over the weekend Adam installed shelving into the formerly dysfunctional closet (hate hate hate wire shelving units!). I didn't have anywhere to put baby clothes due to the lack of space and furniture in the nursery... so I was just sitting around, waiting to wash Reid's old baby clothes. And I was getting impatient. And naggy. But! Adam worked hard and the shelves look GREAT and I washed the clothes.
>>Side note. About half of the teeny tiny I-can't-part-with-ANY-of-these baby clothes had gross yellow stains all over them. I swear I washed them before storing! It must be a common thing since I found a ton of resources online about how to fix the problem. I followed this easy advice with my trusty Kroger brand oxy clean that I use on diapers. The first almost 24 hour soak just about sealed the deal, but I wasn't satisfied with the "bringing home baby from the hospital" onesie, so I did another 16ish hour soak. Success!!! The CFO of the family (Adam) will be very pleased.<<
Adam and I are taking Hypnobirthing classes this go around through Roots Wellness. I am planning a VBAC, have hired a fabulous doula (who I spent a fun day with at the Columbus BirthWithoutFear conference a couple weeks ago), and we will be utilizing a birth photographer (but will also pop in for some newborn shots with the ever so talented Ivory Lamb Photography). I am back at LLL meetings, have an order of fresh (newborn sized!) cloth diapers to pick up from Samozrejme in Troy, and my stash of PP cloth pads are stacking up nicely. :)
But who cares about all that? I know you're here for the pictures.
Reid turned 3. THREE!!
Reid's first soccer game went something like this...
Grammy taught Reid a song about "tall man" and he LOVES showing us "tall man."
Reid's second soccer game went something like this...
3 year wellness appointment... and Reid insisted on wearing my BirthWithoutFear nametag/lanyard.
Park play date with a blue lolly and a handsome boy.
Seven more days of school. That is all.