Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reid Speak

Reid: (after reading two bedtime stories)  Mama, let's snuggle.
Julie: Okay, but only for a couple minutes.
R: (wraps arms around my neck, gazes into my eyes)  Mama, you're my big girl.


Julie:  What's your baby brother's name?
Reid: Ohmygosh Conley.  No, Hilarious Conley.


Julie:  (at the sitter's house)  Reid.  Reid!  REID!
Reid: (running around, clearly ignoring)
J: One... Two...
R: Mama, I don't like you right now.  I don't like you or want you, but I still love you.


Julie:  If you want a cupcake, you have to finish all of your dinner.  Including those carrots and the red pepper.
Reid:  Totally.
R:  (rolls eyes)


Julie:  What's your baby brother's name?
Reid: Conley Conley
R: Hot Dog Conley
R: Pancake Conley

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Baby #2

Adam and I have been (not really that) busily working to get another nursery ready for this summer.

The room slated for boy #2 (nameless at the moment) is tiny.  It was originally an office, then a guest room, and now, a tight little nursery.  It's still a work in progress--Adam is about to start a little DIY/ reno on the closet following the ideas from this blog I follow and this blog too (with an update here). The nursery isn't finished (need to add some shelves/ wall art/ big rug/ other stuff), but it's not unbearable at this point either... so from my iPhone camera roll I give you nursery #2!

Upon entry... The chair is from Reid's nursery, the curtains are currently tied so Lucy can look outside, the table was found at Hobby Lobby by my mother-in-law (it's perfect!!), and lamp is old.

The picture (a wedding gift) is from a local artist and is of the church Adam and I were married!  I am not planning to leave the current artwork up, though it actually looks matchy here in this picture.

The wooden star was a gift from Shlie, my BFFAW.  It's been in there since the guest room was happening.  The crib was Reid's.  All of the bedding, except the Alligator quilt and white receiving blanket were also Reid's (all from PBK).  I got pretty lucky in that Reid's bedding has LOTS of colors, and we can reuse while still making the room new.  Reid's room is darker (walls are chocolate brown) with red and navy.  This room will be tan, with white and navy, and some green.

Another view, a little closer.

Confession:  I was linked to Saranoni through a blog I follow and then through Instagram.  I saw the prices and thought hookay, maybe not. Then I saw a "warehouse" sale posted, and I followed the link to some totally reasonably priced luxurious-looking blankets.  They showed up on the doorstep last week, and ohmygossssh.  I cannot express the soft amazingness of these blankets.  Cannot wait to use them (or steal them for myself).

This is the other "mini" Saranoni blanket we purchased.  The white dream blanket and cozy blue blanket were Reid's, and also amazing.  You can never have enough Aden + Anias!

We don't have room for a big dresser (like the 6-drawer matches-the-crib one in Reid's room), so we got this smaller one at Ikea.  Looks like the changing pad is just going to fit.  The drawers are already filled up with cloth diapers... and only about half our stash.  We will have to be creative about storage in this room!  The mirror will be hung right above the dresser.

The closet.  It had builder-grade white wire shelving, which I despise... so Adam ripped it out.  As I said, he's in the process of renovating it to include some better shelving and sturdier rods for hanging clothes.  Oh, and Noelle, there's your pump!  Want to trade that beast for the Ergo and ringsling? :)

I think she's salty that her front window is partially blocked.


And not nursery, but Easter pictures from today and yesterday.  Sneezy McSneezerson below.

At the park right behind our church.

Matching shades from Grandma and PopPop.

Counting eggs with PopPop.

Sending selfies to dadda (sans make-up... yow!)