Today marked the end of my ninth year teaching 6th grade. NINTH!
I realize I make promises to blog more almost every time I post. I won't do that today, but I do hope to give this space some attention over the summer.
So here are some of the more important updates:
-Reid is two. I am trying really hard not to say his age in months (he's almost 25 months... shoot.). He's TWO. His two year pictures were phenomenal.
-We are back into TTC. It sucks. I think there were 52 pregnancy announcements this month. I'm not as stressed as last time about it, probably because we have a perfect little boy already. But we are returning to our RE this Tuesday to get back into the dreaded infertility treatments. I'm not sure what this journey will entail, but I do hope it's a quick one. And cheap. #yeahright #thatsimpossible #aintgonnabecheapunlesswegetfertile
-Reid is a KID. He speaks in sentences like, "Mommy, I want a Grover snack!" He lays down AWAKE and goes to sleep (no more nursing or rocking to sleep.) Did I miss mentioning the nursing thing? He weaned at 22 months. It was far easier than I imagined it would be.
-Reid's allergic to eggs. This is devastating news as the kid LOVES eggs. Like, it's the first thing he asks for when he wakes up on many mornings. He's EPI PEN allergic. We are seeing a pediatric allergist next week for more information. I'm still convinced there is a dairy sensitivity too.
-We are going back to Myrtle Beach this summer. The condo we rented looks luxurious. I am WAY excited, but I think Adam is the most excited. I like seeing him so eager to take a family trip.
-I am planning to go to the pool as much as possible this summer. But I am a little terrified too. Reid loves the pool, but he can't swim. He wants to swim. I am a nervous wreck. I hope he doesn't run off into the ocean when we go to MB.
-"Oh my God!" Reid sometimes says this. Every time it happens, we correct him with "Oh my gosh!" I often catch myself saying, "Oh God." I'm obviously to blame, and I hate that.
-I need a good series to watch on Netflix this summer. And I need some books. I will watch Season 2 of Orange is the New Black, for sure, but it won't last me all summer. I have five books already waiting to be read... Last summer I read 1/2 a book (which embarasses me A LOT). My favorite blogger just "quit" so I should be able to manage reading more than 1/2 a book.