Thursday, January 3, 2013

Seven months, 27 days (WTH!?!?)

** Intended to post on 12/29/2012 **

A recurring theme in our blogs seem to be: 'We haven't posted in awhile...', 'We're so busy...', '(Insert other excuse)'. As we sit days away from a new year, it's time for a new start. Obviously, people do read our mindless ramblings, so in 2013, we'll continue to strive to be more consistent with penning (typing) our deep thoughts into the HP Pavilion. On the other hand, we ask for more comments, questions, and feedback from our constituents. We're nearing 7000 views and have maybe a dozen unique comments. (Sigh.)

We could fill in the blanks over what we've missed in the past few weeks and months... perhaps Julie can upload some pictures from the forgotten era and put them up later.

Here's to a blessed new year from our family to yours!


Eight months, one day - 2013 (First Edition)

January 3, 2013

Dear Reid,

This time of year, I attempt to morph into a motivational guru and make drastic changes to my daily life. Changes that I see necessary because I've become so complacent with the state of my day-to-day habits and wish to watch them vanish into the sunset... as if they crept into my life oh so suddenly.

The sad truth is, I've allowed so many areas of my life to become 'too full' of negative influences and I accept this as normal. I find myself in a rut and do just enough to get by... pressing onward to the next challenge to be half-assed.

Rather than dwell on the things I wish to change, I'll start with the things I want to continue:

* I want to continue to lead you on a path that sets you up to make wise decisions through your formative years. A path that you'll obviously want to tweak with your own unique spin when you become a man and have a family of your own.

* I want the first thought when you think of "home", as a place of love, kindness, patience, and support.

* I want to give you my heart to comfort you when you're down.

* I want to offer you advice when you seek it.

* I want to show you the power of prayer and faith.

* I want to teach you how to navigate life's twists & turns, how to hold your head high when you're down.

* I want you to think of me when you think of honesty.

* I want you to learn. Learn something new every day. Share these nuggets of wisdom with me, your mom, and others.

I don't feel that the above items are too hard to accomplish, in fact, I've strived to lead a good and decent life. I fall short from time-to-time, but learn from the mistakes of the past and move on to a new day.

Things I will work on:

* Curbing the Irish temper.

* Go to bed and wake up with consistency. (Lose the Snooze: 2013)

* Treat all of God's creatures with respect. We are all equal and unique.

* Be a man of action. Plan meticulously and be prepared for what life hands you, good or bad.

* Long walks when the weather breaks... for you and Lucy.

* More time for family... within your house and with those afar.

* Exploring the world. Out in the yard of thousands of miles from home.

Here's to a great start to 2013 and beyond!
