Sunday, March 25, 2012

33 weeks, 5 days

Such a busy week!  Here are the updates:

  • It's late, but here is my 33 week belly pic.  I really did take it earlier this week!
33 weeks, 1 day
  • I was thrown a super-fab, ultra-me-styled baby shower at work.  My 6th grade posse stalked my Pinterest boards to see what sorts of ideas I would like (they are so sneaky and smart!), and they made it happen.  They also filled in many of the other teachers about the Pottery Barn chair we want for the nursery, so I received lots of gift cards.  (We ordered the chair too--SO EXCTIED!)  Here are some pictures from before the shower started:
photo-37.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-36.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-35.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-34.jpg image by juliec1220 
photo-33.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-32.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-31.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-30.jpg image by juliec1220 
photo-29.jpg image by juliec1220 
  • Thursday I saw The Hunger Games movie premiere with C-Cubed at midnight.  I've never done a midnight showing... and it was pretty exciting--I liked the movie a lot... but I didn't get home until 3am, didn't fall asleep until 3:40, then Adam was up at 4am (so I was up too), and I got up at 5:30 (thanks to the husbie calling--yep, I didn't hear the alarm clock!).  School was kind of rough the next day--I was tired and the hogs were oinking pretty loud.
  • Friday (same day of tiredness and swollen feet) part of 6th grade/4th grade team did happy hour in Lebanon.  I love girl nights... but man is it hard on no sleep and 33 1/2 weeks pregnant!!
  • Saturday (yesterday) Adam and I attended another childbirth class.  This one was called Our Amazing Newborn (I think?) and it focused on the first 3 months-ish of baby.  We sponge-bathed & swaddled a plastic baby, talked about newborn sleep patterns, talked about what is normal and not normal, and watched some videos that contained different variations of poopy diapers.  It was all very interesting.  :)  Then we drove to Wheeling to get Grandma Marge for the family shower that was today.  On the way we stopped at the Pottery Barn Outlet where we scored some majah deals.  They had some of the items from our registry marked way down (like a light that was $39 in the store was $4 at the outlet).  Woot woot!
  • Today (Sunday) was our family shower that included both sides, women and men.  It was SO great to be with family, and we got SO much baby stuff.  We are pretty well-stocked on clothes now (see the pictures below).  We also got lots of gift cards, and since we still have some big ticket items to buy (dresser & car seat to name the biggest), they will be incredibly helpful.  The shower had a firetruck theme and let's just say the whole family sort of went with it.  I have never seen so many firetruck clothes, books, toys... and there were no repeats!  Amazing!  I didn't get pictures at the shower, but here is some of the aftermath here at home:
photo-24.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-23.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-21.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-20.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-22.jpg image by juliec1220
photo-26.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-27.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-25.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-19.jpg image by juliec1220 photo-18.jpg image by juliec1220
*You'll have to excuse the fact that everything is in piles.  We haven't set everything up yet, but since next week is Spring Break it should be done soon.
*Also please excuse the teeny-tiny-ness of the pictures.  There were so many and it was so much easier to copy the image rather than cut & paste all the links.  I promise to post bigger pictures when the nursery is more presentable (read: has our awesome chair, dresser, shelves, etc. and everything is put away).
  • Here's to week 34... Only 6 to go!! (omgomgomg!)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

32 weeks, 4 days

It was a bad idea for me to start my day watching Marley & Me with Lucy. We're both bawling our eyes out.

Time to distract myself with a little blogging.

Yesterday was quite an eventful day.  It started with me forgetting to put make-up on. Yes, I left my house for the first time EVER sans make-up.  Actually, I had moisturizer on, so I was a touch greasy.  I didn't even know until about an hour after I arrived at school.  Nobody even told me.  Jerks were just going to let me go through my day looking face-naked.

Then it was 900 degrees, no exaggeration.  I had on jeans, tank, and cardigan.  And flip flops.  Bad.

My long-term sub shadowed me... which means my last day is approaching!

Then all hell broke loose... the administration started telling people their job assignments.  I don't want to get too into it--this is about my job after all--but it was shocking, tearful, and crazy news all around.

And it was around lunch that I started really feeling the pain of swelling in my feet.  I had the school nurse take my BP, and with the results I called the OB nurse.  My numbers were higher than they've been (two reads with two different cuffs), but considering my day, it wasn't surprising to either nurse.  I was told to put my feet up (ha!), drink more water (because 10 bathroom breaks during the school day isn't enough), and relax this weekend (I can do that).  I have a regular check-up scheduled for Tuesday, so unless more symptoms present themselves or I feel worse, I should be okay until then.  I was satisfied with that answer.

But my feet still looked and felt horrible.  Kind of like this:

I ended up going to bed really early-like 8:45 early-after a quick (un)happy hour at Applebee's with my teacher posse.  I had weird dreams--all about school--and only got up twice to pee (too much info?).  I woke up with less-swollen feet & ankles.

Damn, Marley & Me is still on.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

32 weeks, 0 days

32 weeks?! When did that happen?

I was thinking about my pregnancy on the way home from school today (with the sunroof open and AC blowing on my feet, by the way) and I realized for all the reading I've done, there have still been a lot of surprises. If you're already a mom, you will probably read this and either nod your head in memory or roll your eyes at my naitivity. If you're trying to conceive or still have a few years before that's going to cross your mind, consider this some of the truth you won't read on your iPhone apps.

*disclaimer* I am so NOT complaining. I am very happy to be pregnant! :)

1. You are never full, but its hard to finish your food. I understand this will get worse as baby boy gets even bigger. I am constantly hungry, but when it comes to pig-out time I fill up quick.

2. You are always tired. I don't know how people exercise. By the end of a workday, Lucy is lucky when I hook her up to her leash for a walk down the driveway. I'm tired when my alarm goes off, I'm tired by the time lunch hour arrives, and I'm tired when I get home. Again, I know this is about to be magnified when nighttime feedings and diaper changes kick in.

3. You stop shopping for yourself. A more correct way to say that is that you stop shopping exclusively for yourself. Then again, maybe that's just me on this one...

4. People will look at your belly before your face. I was guilty of this too. I mean, it's a curious thing for someone to be growing a baby inside their body. But it's maybe a tad weirder when you work with preteens.

5. Baby moves in lots of different ways. Sometimes it feels like his foot is wedged into my rib cage. Sometimes I feel hiccups *down there*. Sometimes I get such a hard kick that my whole torso jerks. Sometimes I can feel his whole body roll over. Sometimes he has a dance party and as soon as I call Adam over to have a feel, baby stops dancing. Sometimes, when I get nervous beause I haven't felt him move in a while, I say his name and he gives a little tap.

6. Mild swelling isn't really mild. My feet used to have cute little piggies that I'd get painted pretty for sundress and flip flop season. Right now I am sporting hogs and cankles. It appears that an air pump was used to inflate the base of my foot. The skin is stretched so much that each foot feels sunburned on top. Today I tried flip flops. Fail. The day before I tried shoes. Fail. Tomorrow I might try going to work barefoot. All of the swelling has officially affected my stride as well. Yes, there is a slight waddle... But also a major slowdown. I. Walk. So. Slow. Now.

Again, I'm not complaining. I LOVE being pregnant, and even more, I can't wait for the little guy to get here. (but elephant feet, really? Ugh!)

I tried smiling, but I looked crazy every time. This is me (no longer in a dress... It's too hot for leggings and boots... Refer to #6 above). 32 weeks today - 8 weeks to go!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

30 weeks, 4 days

Baby Shower Saturday!!  

I am blessed to have amazing friends, and today I got to play with lots of them.  Abby and Kim planned and hosted a really perfect shower for me.  It was an eclectic group of Vandalia, Chi-O/BGSU, and teacher besties. I had so much fun seeing them all in one spot.  Here are some pictures of the aftermath:
So much stuff!!

Lucy's interested at first... and then she's over it.

I also took my 30 week picture.  I apologize for the awkward facial.