Tuesday, February 28, 2012

30 weeks, 0 days

It was 3D picture & 4D video day!!  Below are just a handful of the images of our real-life baby.  He wasn't super cooperative--he kept putting his hands and feet in front of his face.  According to the nurse, he was also snuggling his face into my placenta.  Mmmm.  We'll have to chuckle over that tidbit with his future girlfriend in high school.


Here's two video clips of the nugget.  He's kind of waving in the 1st and finishing a little yawn in the 2nd.

We also met with a pediatrician today.  Nothing too exciting there, other than the fact we can check it off our list of things to do.  

I didn't take a 30 week picture today, mostly because I didn't like my outfit.  I'll work on a better look tomorrow.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

29 weeks, four days

Letters from Pa (Part VI)

Dear Son,

I bet your thinking, 'Gee Dad, way to go on those scads of letters you promised me!'. Actually, I know you wouldn't say that, it's not 1958.

Got to spend some quality time last evening with your Uncle. I rode along with him at his job and made a couple trips back and forth to the hospital. The more I do this, the more reassured I will be when you arrive that I'll be an adequate parent.

We met up with G&G Conley afterward and had pizza and then went and saw your aunt and cousin. What a treat! She is so pleasant to hold and just look at. Can't wait to do the same thing with you over the summer.

I got sick last week for the first time in my married life, and I will take that...once every Olympics isn't too terrible. I think it was my body's rude way of saying 'take a break kid'.

Lucy is at the window watching Boots (the vagabond orange cat) and one of the neighbors scraggly Himalayans run around the fence out back. She has also presented me with three tennis balls. I can't wait to teach you how to throw them so I can get a break. Your big sister never tires, she is a true retriever in every sense of the word.

Driving home these past few nights, I've often wondered what kind of music you'll like me to sing to you. Give it some thought, you still have over ten weeks. If you're anything like mom and I, you'll have a pretty broad base. The past couple weeks, I've been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd, Paul Simon and Motown (an interesting mix to say the least).

I bought Reds tickets for opening night against the Marlins. Looking forward to that, although mom tells me she may be playing it by 'belly'. I think she thinks that you'll be 34 pounds by then.

I/we have a lot on our plate between now and then. My EMT-Basic class is a lot of frustration, but beneficial. It's tougher than I thought, but I learn from my mistakes and move on. I've been busy at work through the week for what seems like ages. I rush home Mondays and work at the station, go to class Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday and we just wrapped up our Wednesday night pre-birth class at the hospital for the entire month of February. You could say I am eagerly awaiting your delivery, anticipating some down time!

Last night was the first significant bad roads I've driven on all winter. Weird, since it's almost March. Speaking of March, it's nearly basketball tourney time...one of my favorite three week spans of the year. I think you'll get into hoops right away.

OK, I sense that I'm rambling. You're now up to speed with me through February. I have a lot on my plate this afternoon: laundry, letters to mail, taxes, plumbing, budgeting/forecasting, studying and on-call til 0630 tomorrow. Oh, and your 'big' sis is growling at me to throw one of her three Penn balls!


Friday, February 24, 2012

29 weeks, 3 days

Ooops, I'm a little late again.  I said I'd post on Tuesday, and here we are... it's Friday. Sorry!!

Randomness from this week:

I think I mentioned it in the last post, but I went to the dentist on Monday and got a little beautifying on my chompers.  Dr. Hendricks is thebomb.com.  He informed me that he keeps up with me through my FB posts.  That could sound creepy to some, but he's a pretty cool dude.  Here I am post-dentist.

We had our last Childbirth class on Wednesday.  Two pregnant mamas were not there... one because she had her baby, the other, not sure.  The class focused on post delivery.  Yes, they showed us the big pads.  I really hate pads--just the regular kind--so the super ginormous ones should be a real treat.  And someone please explain the lady-bath to me.  I don't get it.

Adam collects beer caps for one of my co-workers' sons.  He's in first grade.  I took in a whole zip-lock bag of interesting tops.  Here are pictures of the card I found in my mailbox.
How freaking cute is this?!

I know a girl from high school who knits adorable newborn hats and cocoons for photos.  She has an etsy shop (olliebeeknits) and she made baby Conley the cutest little aviator hat.  I can't wait for him to get here so we can squish it on his little head for a picture.
Little Aviator: RESERVED FOR JPC
You want one, don't you?  She's so easy to work with and has great ideas.  Go visit her shop.  Do it! :)

It's blurry, but here is the 29 week photo.  It really was taken on exactly 29 weeks...

Oh... and guess what?  I passed my glucose test!!!  My score was 101, with over 130 being a failure.  This means I can continue the Kroger-aisle tour of brownies, right?  I'm so happy... I should celebrate... with ice cream.

Baby loves Dave Matthews.  This information is for Noelle, specifically.  He dances when I listen to my DMB, especially live.  He dances and I sing along.  Lucy wags her tail.  We might turn back into Dave-heads around here. (I know I mentioned this in the last post... but it's worth noting that he really seems to have a special Dave-love.)

I think that's about it.  I am co-presenting with my BFFAW (BFF at work) Ashlie in an OWP conference for Miami U on Sunday.  We're the anchor act.  Wish me luck.  I'll probably deserve ice cream after that too, right?

Happy Friday, friends!

Monday, February 20, 2012

28 weeks, 6 days


-We went in today and I'm up 4 lbs since last month.  Baby measured spot-on for 29 weeks.  My total poundage gained is something like 26 lbs.  Oink, oink, baby.

-I'm now going in for check-ups every two weeks.  That means the end (the beginning??) is near!

-We scheduled our 3D/4D ultrasound for next Tuesday.  I.Am.So.Excited!  I hope the little nugget cooperates and we get to see his face a lot.  I wonder who he looks like?

-We have three pieces of fluff in the mail and I am PUMPED (read: addicted).  They are:
Glow in the Dark Skull  
(The skulls glow in the dark, lol)
Husbie now bribes me or challenges me to bets with diapers as the prize.  Last night it was, "If you can guess within the hour of when I'll get a (fire) call, you can order another diaper."

-Haven't felt hiccups yet (jealous of you, Alyssa!), but am getting some nice bladder punches regularly.  He also seems to enjoy dancing to Dave Matthews--takes after his mama--so I've been focusing on that particular Pandora station lately.  Perhaps he'll have to come to a concert this summer.  Okay, next summer.

-We have our last Childbirth Prep class this Wednesday.  We're signed up for Breastfeeding and Caring for your Newborn classes in March/April.  After that, I guess it's all up to YouTube and the grandmas for advice.

-We (I) haven't decided on an epidural yet.  Some people... okay MOST people, say I'd be nuts not to get one.  I haven't ruled it out...  need to hear more from you who are reading this blog.  What are your experiences??

I think that's it.  I'll try to post a 29 week photo tomorrow.  Happy Monday!! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

28 weeks, 5 days

(I posted this in another baby-mama forum I belong to... hence the different-than-usual formatting)

Nesting Much!?

Even Adam is nesting!

Today I made a list of 15ish "things" that needed to be done, including a full clean out of the pantry, both hall closets, throwing out all expired cleaning supplies and medicine, full clean of the washing machine (which was suuuuper built up with detergent and softner), and reorganizing the WHOLE basement. 

Here's the hall closet in all it's organized glory...
And a close up...

Usually when we make lists like this, we do a couple things and then our ADD kicks in and we stray to other tasks.

Today we got it all done, still went to the dog park, and even washed our dog. Oh, and had lasagna. Okay, it was a Stouffers, but still... icon_wink.gif

Now I'm sitting with feet propped (back hurting, ankles swollen), drinking a berry smoothie getting ready to watch Parenthood with the husband. icon_bellyrubs.gif

I sort of hope the psycho-cleaning lasts at least until baby comes--it's not every day that I get an urge to pick out crusty gunk with vinegar coated q-tips in my washing machine. And who knows when (or if) it'll ever happen again!

Friday, February 17, 2012

28 weeks, 3 days

Happy 4-Day Weekend!!

Today I took the day off school so that I could go to my 1 hour Glucose Tolerance Test without rushing.  It was sooo nice to sleep in, especially since my sleeping has been hit or miss lately.  I ended up drifting in and out of sleep until 9am, when I finally got up and made an egg & cheese sandwich.  By the time I got to CompuNet, it was 11, and the clinic was empty.  Usually when I wait for them to unlock the doors at 7am there's a line of other 8-5'ers.  The drink was not as bad as I was warned it would be.  It was like flat orange Crush, and it was a little bottle.  No biggie.  I'll find out Monday if I passed or if I have to take the 3 hour test.

I have Monday off too... it's President's Day!  I have my 7 month check up and a dentist appointment scheduled, but no work--yesss!  I wonder if I'll be scheduling more regular (as opposed to the 1x per month) appointments now that I'm in the 3rd trimester?

In other news, we've successfully made it through 3 childbirth preparation classes.  We have one more on Wednesday.  Today I'm signing us up for the Caring for Your Newborn and the Breastfeeding classes.  I'm also starting to consider an additional class that preps parents who are planning a more natural birth.  Am I crazy?  Maybe.  I haven't totally decided, but I might skip meds.  Then again, if the doctor is predicting a ginormous baby, I'll probably opt for relief of the medical variety.  Anyone have advice on this?  What did you do??

Time to go take care of my sick husbie.  He came home from work early with the flu.  Yep, the flu.  He's been sleeping in the guest room because he's scared he'll make me sick.  Plus I snore like a fat, old man now.  Send us prayers that he gets better soon!

PS- Got more fluff in the mail today.  Here's one of the adorable pocket diapers I got.  Love!!
Tiny Tush Elite One-Size Fitted Pocket Diapers-Bots-robot, bot, pocket, insert, tiny tush, one size, os, snap

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

28 weeks, 0 days

Happy Valentine's Day!!
It's funny how this holiday changes after you get married.  When you're younger, it's all about getting a carnation at school or a deeply meaningful present from your boyfriend.  When you're married, it doesn't seem as important to get a big, expensive gift.  Today I woke up to my husband, who promptly delivered my daily prenatal vitamin, OJ, shower serenade.  The bonus--a deeply meaningful Valentine's Day card.  I'll take it!

Besides, I'm ordering more diapers today.  I'm calling it a Valentine's Day present for all of us. ;)

Today baby boy is dancing all over my stomach.  As I type this, I have my shirt pulled up so I can watch the bouncing.  It's really fun.  On the flip side, I am so super exhausted.  It's not like I did anything beyond what's normal at school.  If anything, I sat more.  I was struggling to keep my eyes open by the end of the day.  Tomorrow's an Early Release, so that'll be nice.  Where the heck are our snow days????

With that said, please excuse the haggard look of my 28 day belly picture.

Monday, February 13, 2012

27 weeks, 6 days

Well friends, I've neglected the blog.  I even took a picture last week and didn't get on here to share it.  Here I am last Tuesday (27 weeks exactly):

It might be time to stop wearing these little cotton dresses... all stretched out=not so cute anymore.  I'll try to take my 28 week picture tomorrow, and maybe even post it too.  :)

Things are coming along on the nursery front.  My in-laws purchased our crib and mattress, and got it set up this weekend.  Yesss!!!!  (Thank you!!!)  We don't have our bedding yet, but I hope I'll get some of it in the next couple months.  I can't wait to wash it up and get it all ready.  Here's a camera-phone-at-night-bad-lighting picture of the crib:
It's pretty, huh?  Now we just need to get the dresser, chair, and a rug.  And the shelves I'm going to have made in Waynesville.  And some decorations.  Maybe some curtains.  I totally have time, right?

So I have a new not-so-awesome side effect of pregnancy.  Let me start by saying that I am still super over-the-top happy about being with child.  I'm not complaining, really... but you should see my ankles and feet.  My gosh they are swollen.  My left ankle looks bruised!  I've been trying to sit when I can at school, but by the end of the day I'm a mess.  I checked my blood pressure yesterday, and it was fine, so I'm not overly concerned yet.  I have my next appointment in a week, so I'm planning to talk to the doctor about it then.

And I'm finally in the 3rd trimester!  Woo hoo!!  I thought it would take forever to get here, but things are moving so fast now.  I officially set my last day at school to be May 4th (a Friday) and I'm due May 8th (the following Tuesday).  Whoa!!

I'm planning to take a picture tomorrow, 28 weeks and Valentine's Day.  I'll also try not to go as long without an update.  Maybe one of these days I'll even be brave enough to vlog (video blog).  :)